Artist Statement
I create from the the essence of my heart and soul. I hear a beautiful melody of hope and life. Embrace the creative Spirit, “you must share your vision”, with depth, meaning, and color.
Touch the world with your brushes of Light and Life!
My art is about this catharsis of etching, layering, scratching in the “terra” of your soul. Every touch, every laugh, ever heartbreak, memory, and loving kiss. I paint the story of that magical connection to the Holy One.
In the beautiful hill towns of Italy, in the silence, the stones cry out for memory, seeking the Artist to paint its travelled and winding road.
We seek the truth lost from our embrace, ever so high in the high country. My desire is to connect to that first spark of imagination, this collaboration of God and man to inspire and bring hope and love. My desire is you will be inspired by my work and fall in love with this vision and imagination.
This is the challenge of making Art. Being true to myself means searching and discovering our lost memories, languages, symbols, myths, feelings, relationships, poetry, archetypal complexities, mystical passions – all there in the strata of our beings – calling for discovery.
In the chiaroscuro of our lives, the pathway to hope, happiness, and love is painting the picture deep inside. My hope is that you will find in these paintings a part of your lost history. Maybe an artifact, a sacred myth, a spark of wonder, satire, enchantment, revelation, and enlightenment…. you may cry out Abba Father, I know you. I have missed your embrace within me, but now I know the way. This is my journey. This is my world.
~Michael Paul Battaglia
Michael Battaglia